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Shane Cercone

When I was 14 years old, I had no idea what I was getting myself into by deciding to attend Canisius High School. The only thing I really looked forward to at Canisius was playing on the basketball team, because that’s been one of my dreams ever since I watched my older brother Jake do the same thing. But as great as basketball has been, Canisius has had an impact on me that greatly surpasses the court.

With the help of my teachers, staff, and coaches, Canisius has shaped me into a man that the world needs. Every single day, when I came to school I was able to see what Christ looks like in modern-day men and women. Canisius exemplified humility, generosity, and integrity to their fullest forms – and over time that began to wear off on me. I’m so proud of the growth I have made in my character as a young man over the last couple of years, but I’m not surprised because I spent so much time around high character people at school.

High school certainly hasn’t been easy all the time, and some late-night study sessions have made me question whether I even liked Canisius or not, but support from my teachers and classmates for me to succeed was always there. There’s never been a moment in school that I felt that I wasn’t seen or heard. Canisius has a unique way of making everyone feel that they are the only one that matters and that the school wouldn’t be the same without them.

I’m so humbled and grateful to be considered by my peers to be qualified for the Mr. Canisius award. There are so many other kids I could think of that are deserving of this award, but I truly appreciate the recognition I have received. Regardless of how my senior year ends, I am and will always be proud to be a Crusader.


Shane Cercone

Mr. Canisius 2023 Finalists

Shane Cercone of Buffalo (Tapestry Charter)

Evan Izatt of East Aurora (Nardin Academy)

Casey LaForce of East Aurora (Immaculate Conception School)

Patrick Nettina of Clarence (St. Mary School Swormsville) 

Michael Scime of Amherst (Nardin Academy) 

Thomas Webb of Orchard Park (Orchard Park Middle School)