As a Jesuit and Catholic institution, Canisius High School is committed to providing ongoing pastoral care and support to students, families, alumni, and friends. To this end, priests and lay ministers are available to fill pastoral needs.
Eucharistic Celebrations
Daily Mass: Mass is celebrated each school day at 7:45 AM in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart. All are welcome. On Holy Days of Obligation, or days when other school-wide liturgies are held, daily Mass is replaced with a larger Mass during the school day.
School-Wide Celebrations: Canisius celebrates Holy Days of Obligation and other occasions with school-wide liturgies in the auditorium during the school day. The schedule for these celebrations can be found on the school calendar. Parents, alumni and friends are always welcome.
Masses for Specific Groups: Athletic teams and other groups may schedule a Mass with campus ministry. Parents are always welcome to attend a Mass of this nature with their sons.
Other Sacraments
Reconciliation: Canisius offers eight reconciliation services during each school year, four during the Advent season and four during Lent; each class year attends two of these services. Canisius Jesuits and visiting priests give each student an opportunity to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation after a short penitential liturgy and reflection. In these services, many students choose to go to confession or speak to one of our priests. Even those who do not take part in the sacrament enjoy a fruitful time of quiet and personal reflection. Appointments for Reconciliation can also be made with any of the priests at Canisius or by contacting the campus ministry office.
Visiting the Sick: We wish to offer support to all of our families who face health or medical problems. Pastoral visits and the Anointing of the Sick can be requested by contacting campus ministry. We will schedule visits based on availability.
Prayer Ministry
Mass Intentions: All are welcome to request a Mass intention for the faithful departed or for someone in need. Mass cards are available at the school receptionist’s desk. Mass intentions are generally offered at the 7:45 a.m. Mass.
Community Prayer Book: All are welcome to add their petitions to the community prayer book at the entrance to the Chapel. We pray for these intentions at every Mass offered in our school.
Canisius Community Intentions: The prayers of the Canisius community can also be requested by contacting the principal’s office with a specific need. These intentions are added to the community prayer book and are also shared with faculty, staff, and administration.