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Max Montante '17 and Mind Over Miles raise more than $50K for mental health with a 24-hour run
Keith McShea

Last Sunday, Max Montante ’17 (center) and his friends raised more than $50,000 for suicide prevention and mental health awareness in a most astounding way: They ran for 24 hours straight at Delaware Park, logging more than 80 miles.

Through the Mind Over Miles 24-Hour Challenge, Max Montante and friends Nick Ennis and Jack Pfalzgraf nearly doubled their fund-raising goal, with all proceeds going to the Western New York Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the John R. Oishei Children’s Hospital Psychiatric Clinic. The trio was joined by friends and family on a rainy Sunday as they completed the challenge.

“When it began raining harder and harder, we pushed through,” said Max Montante, who turned 25 this past week. “We persevered. Mind over Miles. That is what we do.

“It’s a privilege and honor for us to do this for the cause of suicide prevention and mental health awareness. I am just super happy with the results.” 

The Mind Over Miles 24-Hour Challenge story was chronicled in Buffalo Rising by Mike Billoni; the story included how the roots of the Montante family’s history of philanthropy via Uniland Development founder Carl Montante ’60.

“Carl Sr., whose company is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, attended Canisius High School and learned from his parents at a young age how and why it was important to give what he could,” Billoni wrote. “He was also shown how by the Jesuits at Canisius, where they taught him what ‘Men For Others’ truly meant.”

Said Max’s father, Carl J. Montante, Jr. ’84: “Max has certainly taken our family’s philosophy of giving back to our community to a whole other level.”

“A lot of it began with our Jesuit education at Canisius High School where we learned what Men for Others truly meant,” said C.J. Montante ’12 said in discussing younger brother Max and his family. “Giving back and helping others in need has never been forced on us but it has just been part of our family that it is not even a thought—it just comes second hand for all of us and our cousins.”

Read more of the terrific Buffalo Rising story.

Students and families interested in the excellence only found in a Jesuit education at Canisius can learn more by joining us at our Spring Open House on Sunday, April 28:  

This place is special. Let us show you why.

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Sam Gugliuzza '25 plays with the BPO at CHS

What an extra-special night of holiday music in Scaccia Auditorium for Canisius High School and Sam Gugliuzza ’25.

The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra performed at CHS for the second straight December, and the Tuesday, Dec. 17 concert included a wonderful moment as the BPO invited Gugliuzza, an accomplished violinist, to join them.

Remembering Kevon Walker '24: 'His heart was full of love, full of dreams'

“His heart was full of love, full of dreams, and the deep desire to do well for his family.”

That is how Spanish teacher Angela Cascia remembers the late Kevon Walker ’24.

A celebration of life for Walker will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at True Bethel Baptist Church, 907 E. Ferry St., Buffalo, followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m.