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Honor Roll – Third Quarter 2023-24
CHS Communications


The following Canisius students achieved excellence by earning placement on the Honor Roll for the Third Quarter of the 2023-24 school year.

The photo above was taken in our Center of Excellence.


First Honors – Third Quarter GPA of 93.0% or higher

Aguilera, Iker Yanni 9
Alessi, Evan Joseph 9
Amodeo, Carter M 9
Bacon, Connor James 9
Barney, Jacob McNamee 9
Bialkowski, Zachary Michael 9
Boldt, Blake Rowan 9
Burkhard, Kyle Gregory 9
Burroughs, Christopher Jeffrey 9
Cannon, Matthew Albert 9
Cassety, Michael Lloyd 9
Castiglione, Joseph L 9
Cheng, Owen Jeremiah 9
Cloyd, Connor Matthew 9
Colosi-Marcantonio, Hayden  9
Comaratta, Luca Ross 9
D'Angelo, Marco Elio 9
Das, Armaan 9
Devlin, Samuel 9
Deyell, Lucas David 9
Dunn, John Ryan 9
Eberl, John Andrew 9
Elia, Nicholas Richard 9
Emblidge, William Evans 9
Erzkus, Carter Joseph 9
Feeney, Logan 9
Gaine, Connor Braden 9
Gatti, Gavin 9
Goeckel, Ryan David 9
Hennon, Oliver Mark 9
Jacobs, Nolan Lawrence 9
Jank, Nathan Paul 9
Jaoude, Elias 9
Jasen, Mark Patrick 9
John, Mark 9
Johnson, Liam Daly 9
Kenerson, Sawyer John 9
Kramer, Von Forst 9
Kwiatkowski, Carson Michael 9
Kyaw, Glick 9
Laughlin, Liam Andrew 9
Macaluso, Joseph Terry 9
Manley, Elliot 9
Marks, Theodore Christopher 9
O'Brien, Braden Robert 9
Oswald, Benjamin 9
Perry, Andrew D 9
Pili, Gabriele 9
Rivera, Aidan Eloy 9
Ryskin, Stanislav 9
Soe, Khaiwati 9
Spurlock, Quinn Hunter 9
Walker, Caden Alexander 9
Whelehan, Sean Robert 9
Anticola, James Anthony 10
Askar, Thomas James 10
Benczkowski, Zack Milan 10
Billman, Aidan 10
Carver, Matthew Aidan 10
Cohn, Martin Graham 10
Dahl, Evan William 10
Delaney, Jude Anthony 10
DeRose, Elliott Scott 10
Devans, Aidan Russell 10
Drofych, Nazariy 10
Eppolito, Benjamin John 10
Esposito, Luke Kent 10
Frederick, Cole James 10
Fronczak, Ethan James 10
Gambacorta, Peter Louis 10
Graham, Jayden Joe 10
Grillo, Jack Thomas 10
Habib, Halim Anthony 10
Hall, Gary 10
Hart, John 10
Jackson, Connor Robert 10
Kreuzer, Matthew Bailey 10
Kubiak, Tyler Richard 10
McKissack, Elijah Nelson 10
Mhtoo, Skyler 10
Mitskovski, Evan Blake 10
Morse, Andrew Michael 10
Murad, Matthew Richard 10
Murray, Broderick Paul 10
Nieves, Baron Ricardo 10
Pepe, Anthony John 10
Pirigyi, Ethan Julius 10
Pollock, Charles Cavitt 10
Riad, Michael Sam 10
Rosado, Israel Armani 10
Santacrose, Octavian Worthington 10
Scime, Nicholas James 10
Shainbrown, Jack Charles 10
Snyder, Thomas Rowe 10
Wozniak, Austin Charles 10
Xiao, Austin Zhizhong 10
Ahmed, Hamzah 11
Atkinson, Sam Michael 11
Ball, Daniel 11
Benson, Niles Ryan 11
Berenji, Ryan 11
Blake, Ian 11
Bonuito, Zachary 11
Bridge, Kevin M 11
Bridge, Tyler 11
Carney, Austin Scott 11
Chebat, Chase 11
Cloyd, David D. 11
Cullinan, Patrick Michael 11
Del Regno, James Patrick 11
Den Haese, Joseph Ryan 11
Engelhaupt, Alexander Joseph 11
Enright, Patrick Healy 11
Esposito, Johnny Michael 11
Eugino, John 11
Eynon, Gavin William 11
Falvo, Augustus Anthony 11
Gallagher, Cameron 11
Ganci, John Richard 11
Gioia, Eric David 11
Gitego, Hector Privat 11
Gugliuzza, Samuel Liam 11
Harbold, Brayden Thomas 11
Huntley, Patrick 11
Hurley, Conlen Michael 11
Johnson, Ethan James 11
Johnson, Roman Justus 11
Kraus, Erik Maximilian 11
Kumiega, Henry 11
Lincoln, Jack Thurston 11
Lopez Castillo, Angel 11
Low, Connor William 11
Manley, Ethan James 11
McCarthy, Dylan Michael 11
McOwen, Joseph Richard 11
Miller, Makai Mosi 11
Miranda, Nicholas 11
Modzelewski, Travis Gregory 11
Obrochta, Owen David 11
Pantano, Nathaniel 11
Panzica, Rocco 11
Perez, Michael Martin 11
Peters, Robert Aloysius 11
Pili, Giacomo Yeo-Ren 11
Reagan, Benjamin Robert 11
Renschler Pandey, Meer 11
Riley, Jack 11
Rizzo, Anthony 11
Romanowich, David 11
Rutkowski, Remington Allen 11
Schaeffer, Cormac George 11
Sheehan, Thomas Patrick 11
Skowron, Thomas Henry 11
Stofer, Tyler Patrick 11
Sugg, Daniel Peter Villanueva 11
Swiezy, Felix Tron 11
Tallides, Alexander Bryce 11
Toe, Toe 11
Tran, Thomas Thanh 11
Unger, Logan 11
Wallace, Amare Joseph 11
Weese, Aydan Lawrence 11
Wiley V, George Washington 11
Yuzbashev, David 11
Zakrzewski, Matthew 11
Anderson, Lorn 12
Benson, Blaine Timothy 12
Bernard, Matthew Douglas 12
Biersbach, Cooper John 12
Czora, Benjamin John 12
D'Angelo, Luca William 12
Dembski, Lucas 12
Dodman, James Patrick 12
Duggan, Alex Robert 12
Galvin, Evan O'Connor 12
Gates, Simon Maze 12
Graber, Charles Edward 12
Hassenfratz, Matthew Jay 12
Hemmerling, Joshua Wayne 12
Hibbard, Theodore Walter 12
Jantzi, Hunter Joseph 12
Johnson, Justin David 12
Jones, Austin J. 12
Jones, Daniel Edward 12
Kollidas, Petros Anastasios 12
Lana, Anthony Joseph 12
Li, Kevin 12
Lin, Brian 12
MacDonald, Mark James 12
Mann, Samuel Anthony 12
Marchese, Matthew Frank 12
Masci, Michael 12
McDowell, Brett William 12
Miranda, Jack Patrick 12
Misterkiewicz, Vincent 12
Murdie, Paul Valentine 12
O'Keefe, Liam Quinn 12
Opferbeck, Aiden Thomas 12
Popek, Edward 12
Pusateri, Alexander Christopher 12
Reeb, Andrew M. 12
Richards, Henry Vaillancourt 12
Scanlon, Harrison Russell 12
Schoenberger, Colton Michael 12
Sebaali, Christopher George 12
Seereiter, Ryan Walter 12
Sorrels, Stephen James 12
Stravino, Ryan Jeffrey 12
Sullivan, Patrick Thomas 12
Thomann, Xavier John 12
Wiedemer, Frank James 12
Zarafonitis, Alexander 12


Second Honors – Third Quarter GPA of 90.0% to 92.9%

Bahr, Maxwell Brady 9
Burke, Corban Francis 9
Capote-Weber, Emerson Daniel 9
Downs Ladiges, Oscar 9
Eberl, Gregory L 9
Ermer, Liam Scott 9
Felicetta, Nicholas 9
Felicetta, Vincent Patrick 9
Guarino, Jack David 9
Holycross, Andrew Michael 9
Jamison, Damir 9
Long, Thomas Allen 9
Lumba, Christian K 9
Mann, Anthony Charles 9
Rokitka, Alex John 9
Sauer, Brett 9
Wiepert, Cameron Ryan 9
Alsadam, Aymin 10
Attea, Elias James 10
Bonilla, Lucas 10
Bruce, Maxwell 10
Burgos, Alexander Eden 10
Burroughs, Jonathan David 10
Copeland, Brendan Edward 10
Cosgrove, Noah Michael 10
Cosgrove, Patrick Michael 10
Enright, Matthew Connor 10
Falk, Aidan Thomas 10
Kushnir, Maksim Petro 10
Latella, Gianni Vincent 10
Marynowski, Charles John 10
McQueary, Daniel James 10
Mummey, Brady James 10
Nikitenko, Alexander Reed 10
Ostempowski, Justin Michael 10
Paterson, Kellen Joseph 10
Plizga, Henry Francis 10
Quinteros-Chavez, Michael Antonio 10
Soe, Elijah Shalom 10
Stratton, Benjamin Patrick 10
Sweeney, Christopher Anthony 10
Vaughn, Dylan Joseph 10
Aguirre, Roberto Miguel Angel 11
Brumbaugh, Daniel 11
Civisca, Louis Michael 11
Crane, Jacob Thomas 11
Crotty, Edward William 11
Dickey, Robert Edward 11
Eppig, Brayden Anthony 11
Gaine, Ryan Daniel 11
Gonzalez, Serge Thomas 11
Hogenkamp, Joseph 11
Hsee, Eh k paw 11
Jackson, Caleb David 11
Lagunilla, Jabari 11
Leong, Dylan 11
Maddox, Nathanial 11
Monti, Joshua Patrick 11
Penfold, Luke 11
Pettit, Mason Howard 11
Purdie, Nicholas Lashawn 11
Santacrose, Constantine Worthington 11
Skoumpris, Joseph Panagiotis 11
Stewart, Kohler Jones Knoer 11
Wierzbowski, Trevor Christopher 11
Ainslie, Liam S. 12
Benzer, Patrick Adam 12
Burget, Maxwell Aloysius 12
Cheman, Joseph Michael 12
Conley, Owen Welsh 12
Cosgrove, Kevin Anthony 12
Cross, Peter Charles 12
Daughton, John James 12
David, Andrew Thomas 12
DeTamble, Joseph Dominic 12
Funderburg, Clarence Careem 12
Mayer, Matthew Joseph 12
Mecca, Aiden 12
Okun, James Jerrick 12
Pauly, Andrew Brett 12
Pordum, Alexander 12
Prendergast, William Patrick 12
Quinn, Edward 12
Roeder, Ivan McCann 12
Siegel, Solomon Thomas 12
Sutton, James Aloysius 12
Trapasso, Christopher John 12
Tupis, Colin Michael 12
Verni, Vito Joseph 12


Previous 2023-24 Honor Roll: First Quarter, Second Quarter

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Sam Gugliuzza '25 plays with the BPO at CHS

What an extra-special night of holiday music in Scaccia Auditorium for Canisius High School and Sam Gugliuzza ’25.

The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra performed at CHS for the second straight December, and the Tuesday, Dec. 17 concert included a wonderful moment as the BPO invited Gugliuzza, an accomplished violinist, to join them.

Remembering Kevon Walker '24: 'His heart was full of love, full of dreams'

“His heart was full of love, full of dreams, and the deep desire to do well for his family.”

That is how Spanish teacher Angela Cascia remembers the late Kevon Walker ’24.

A celebration of life for Walker will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at True Bethel Baptist Church, 907 E. Ferry St., Buffalo, followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m.