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Crusader Prep

Crusader Prep classes will begin Monday, June 30th and conclude on Friday, July 25th.  

There will be no Crusader Prep classes on Friday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

Open to Canisius High School incoming freshmen, Crusader Prep is a four-week summer academic enrichment program open to incoming freshmen. It provides students the opportunity to take high school prep courses to help in the transition from middle school to freshman year at Canisius High School within a positive and supportive environment.

Each class is 50 minutes long; examples of the class periods are: 

Math: 8:30- 9:20 am

English: 9:30- 10:20 am

Reading: 10:30 – 11:20 am

Class periods are assigned depending on the courses taken.

Class periods are dependent on instructor availability, but classes will begin at 8:30 am and the last class period will conclude at approximately 11:20 am.

Class schedules and further details will be emailed two weeks before the start of the program. 

Attendance is mandatory for all nineteen class days.

Health / Immunization records are due before Crusader Prep. 

For further information please contact Mrs. Michele Battin, at or call 716.200.0219. 

Crusader Prep 2025 Registration Form