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Higher Achievement Program
for rising 8th grade boys

This unique summer program provides a blend of enriching academics, athletics and fun each day.


The Higher Achievement Program's (HAP) curriculum focuses on small-group work, technology, and hands-on lessons in English, reading and math. The themes and topics covered include those learned in 7th grade, as well as preparation for what will be covered in the beginning of 8th grade. HAP also helps boys prepare for the high school entrance exam by covering material they can expect to see on the exam.


Minds aren't the only thing getting a workout! Athletics and active play are an integral part of the program. HAP participants engage in some form of fitness-based activity each day. Activities in years past have included baseball, basketball, touch football, street hockey, soccer, handball and volleyball. All are rooted in building a sense of teamwork, camaraderie, and sportsmanship.